Fourteen Days In May | BBC
This documentary follows the life of Edward Earl Johnson, a young man who confessed to a crime he did not commit under duress, the documentary follows the last fourteen days of his life at Mississippi State Penitentiary.
Three Identical Strangers
Three strangers, and a twist that will leave you speechless. – without spoiling this documentary for you, it’s a darker reason than you might imagine. Separated not by chance, but for a planned reason.
Debt Collector, VICE
The Social Dilemma
Manufacturing Consent
A documentary that explores the power of the media industry and it’s influence on society. It features Noam Chomsky.
Michael Moore (2002), Bowling for Columbine
No 3G in Heaven
Tankman | Frontline
Citizen Four (2014) – Edward Snowden
This documentary follows the journey of US Whistle blower Edward Snowden, as he prepares to shock the world with revelations the US Government has been spying on citizens around the globe.
Internets Own Boy
Six Days To Air | South Park
Boys Alone | Social Experiment
Crip Camp
Game Over
Published in 2014, the documentary follows the development of the 1982 adventure game E.T the Extra-Terrestrial video game. The game was designed for the Atari 2600 video game console.